Getting things wrong

Getting things wrong

Getting things wrong has its upside.

For one, it’s a good way to learn how to get things right. Whenever I do something new, there’s a good chance I’m going to get it wrong a lot at the beginning. This helps teach me how to get it right. Or at least to continually see growth. When I feel like I have to do everything perfectly, I open myself up to guilt and condemnation and poor self-esteem. That’s because I’m not going to get everything perfect.

I didn’t know this for a long time, but it’s really freeing as I begin to understand it now. When I’m in a bad situation, I’m more and more finding myself feeling hopeful that I’ll do it different next time instead of just feeling regret about the situation and how I got into it. Instead of thinking “I’ll never try that again”, I’m learning to think “if I keep trying, it should get easier and better each time”.

I’ve lately been commuting to work for a new job. I live in Beijing and I don’t have a car, so I’m reliant on public transportation. There are an abundance of ways I could get to work. And I’ve been trying out many different routes and forms of transportation. Yesterday I got really frustrated when I tried a new route on the subway and found that due to the route and the time I left, it was a very uncomfortable commute. Too many subway transfers, crowds of people pushing to squeeze into the subway cars, and a theme-park style line of people waiting to get on the elevator at the office building when I finally arrived. Yesterday, while I was in the middle of it, the commute really frustrated me. Today, however, as I was commuting to work I was glad that I went through the experience. Now I know not to leave at that time in the morning and I know not to take that particular route. By getting it wrong, I grew into a knowing a better way. Now I can share that way with others and save them some trouble.

I guess that’s why I’ve decided to share my writing and sketches.

While I’m far from having it all figured out, I have been learning a lot. And I’ve been recording some of it along the way and plan on continuing to do so. So I share it with you here in hopes that what I’ve been learning might be helpful in some way.



2 thoughts on “Getting things wrong

  1. I’ve been reading through Philippians lately, 4:9 really struck me. I had always read the word “practice” as if it meant “do”….and that’s incredibly disheartening. But lately I read it actually as PRACTICE. As in practice makes perfect, and keep trying, and practice is never completely right, but it gets you closer and closer as you do it. Getting things wrong is really just practicing! 🙂

    1. Yeah, the Bible can be quite disheartening and a source of condemnation when we feel like we have to live up to this incredibly high standard. It seems so impossible! It’s so fortunate that we can rest in the fact that “it is finished”. Jesus lived this seemingly impossible life and we get to be “in Christ”. Resting in that reality, we start to live more and more like it. Thanks for sharing!

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