Why is there so much pain in the world?
Exploring Freedom
(Written while people-watching on a public plaza…) Young girl. Running ahead of Mom. She is enjoying her freedom. Mom is following behind and letting her daughter explore and make choices of where to go. Mom isn’t controlling her. Daughter keeps looking back to check if Mom is still there. She wants Mom to be there. She wants to be sure that Mom is ok with the way she is exploring. If Mom wasn’t there, the freedom would suddenly turn scary. Did she…
Good Quote: God bids you Sing
Good Quote: Don’t Hold up the Rock
Good Quote: Wooing the Universe
Distillation: Courage
Courage is not doing things that others are afraid of. It’s doing the things that you are afraid of. Said another way: Other people aren’t necessarily courageous because they are out there doing the things you are afraid of. They’re only courageous if they’re out there doing the things they are afraid of.
I’m Just Bound to….
“I’m just a sinner saved by grace! I repent in the morning and I’m bound to be in sin by the evening. You know how it goes!” “Well, we’re all bound to sin now and again.” I would have identified with these statements in the past. It is more or less the message that I internalized about our relationship to sin. But let’s, for a moment, examine the words we use when we speak like that. “I’m bound to…” What are you…